Byron the Righteous, House Eventide Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Byron the Righteous, House Eventide

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sumo377stucki's Avatar sumo377stucki
Level 30 : Artisan Mountaineer
Byron the is a well known man in the country of Bruma. He is the bastard son of Lord Richard Eventide. The history of House Eventide will be covered in another thread. When Byron was born his father took him too the church, as he did not want to kill the child, but he could not care for him. Byron grew up at a monastery outside the city of Vermutis. At the age of 12, he became an apprentice to a traveling monk, known as "The Brothers of Winter". The Brothers were a small fighting force who used the powers of the Gods to fight demons and other evils of that nature. This would be relevant a couple thousand years ago, but since then demons are gone and there is not much super natural evil to go around. So the brothers have turned to sell swords partially working for the church. I will explain more about the church later on. At the age of 16, Byron had been training for 4 years. Byron was not a very good fighter, he could hold his ground, but not fight in a real war, or at least that's what most people thought. The winter of 583 brought war with it. The desert peoples of the south had recently come together to create a small but powerful army. One by one they began to rain the cities on the western coast. The city of Vermutis was the most powerful city of the west. Its large ports brought in coin from other countries, and the cities of the east came to trade with that gold. With the city preparing for war, House Eventide bought as many sell swords as they could, The Brothers of Winter included. Byron had slowly climbed his way up the ranks due to his knowledge and wisdom on religious matters. As the brothers were performing their pre-battle ceremonies. Lord Richard came to Byron and told him the truth of his birth. Before this Byron never knew where he came from. Just as they started talking fighting started outside. Some of the sell swords House Eventide bought were really working for the southern armies. They were quickly over powered by the many other sell swords and guards in the city, but they had managed to break the gate controls. The gate was stuck open offering no defense if the armies were to attack. During the night the southern armies closed in on the city. The brothers were the vanguard, they stood outside the broken gate with shields up and swords ready. Byron, having studied when ever he was not training, knew a great deal about the old magic. This fact and the fact that the brothers of winter served the God of winter are very important. (The Church believed in 4 gods, one for each season). When the fighting started several groups of sell swords were part of the vanguard. One by one the groups retreated, until the Brothers were the only ones outside the walls. As the brothers were slowly starting to die around him, Byron knew what was at stake. We have no first hand account on the events that happened next, but we know that part of it must be true. It is said that Byron lifted his hands up toward the gate, shouting "By the will of the Gods", And raised a massive Ice wall in place of the gate. From that point on all we know is that The battle was won, people have said to see flames coming from the heavens, others that their was a mutiny on the battle field and the armies fought against each other. By the time morning cam and the battle was over. Byron was found passed out surrounded by bodies of southerners. it is noted that Byron had lost a lot of blood, but he only had 1 small cut in each hand(this is a sign of blood magic, forbidden the Bruma). After the battle, Byron was hailed as a hero, and was publicly made a part of House Eventide(They had had a son a few years ago, so it was now safe to do so). Byron then helped they city by healing and caring for the sick and needy. A few years went by when a ship crashed off the coast. Byron tried to heal the men but he could not. They spoke of a land, far away, that had monsters and demons. They were the last of a 1000 man armie that was assigned to kill them. All the sailors died of a strange sickness 3 weeks after they came to shore. Byron was promoted to Master in the Brotherhood, so he was allowed to go on his own journey. Using they money he had earned from the battle he paid a captain to bring him to the land that the sailors spoke of. His father also sent him along with iron and other things to help him.
-Wrote for Winds of Winters Past, a super fun Roleplay server, Join now! 
Remember to Diamond if you liked the story or the skin!
CreditEnderTheXeno is the Owner of Winds of Winters Past, look him up and join the server!

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