ciri 🐺 | the witcher 3 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

ciri 🐺 | the witcher 3

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Grump

What can you know about saving the world, silly? You’re but a witcher.

so in like may i started playing the witcher 3 bc i was sick and finally had the time, and let me tell you, your girl was HOOKED. i'm not even going to tell you how many hours i was averaging a day. rn i'm just finishing the entire witcher armor sets lol

but seriously, if you haven't played the game, play iiiittt, it's perfect. it's funny. it's going to make you cry (but no spoilers, hehe).

also it's gonna give you a whole new level of hate for the netflix show but ssshhh.

ok toodles

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