COOKY! human ver. - BT21 Character Series (PT 2) hasn't died, and neither have I! Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

COOKY! human ver. - BT21 Character Series (PT 2) hasn't died, and neither have I!

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Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
Hello again! I'm not dead... I've just been lazy :) As much as I've been hyping up this month- I literally haven't done ANYTHING... like I think "oh maybe I should make a skin or smth,," and just my mind goes to "Im ReALlY LoOkINg ForWaRD tO AuGuSt..,,, IlL Be MoRE AcTiVE In AuGUsT!!!11" Like never trust any promise I make, please.

Anyway, I've continued this series bc literally I've only made Mang and I have expectations for myself lol

I've decided to BASE the outfit and such off of the design, rather than make the design with human qualities-- I've tried to become more original (jk i looked at an aesthetic clothes shopping site) I'm also sorry that there isn't and won't be a male version- it's too hard to work with. :/

but Jungkook's pink hair makes me super happy. Fr, it's awesome to see him with a different color other than brown or blond. (even though he's really pretty and handsome with both, but you know what I mean)

Also, feel free to edit the ears or add a tail or smth, just only use it for personal use and don't repost it ANYWHERE, please! :)

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