Destiny Concepts - Darkness Enemies Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Destiny Concepts - Darkness Enemies

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Archival Mind
Level 66 : High Grandmaster System Collective
Not counting this as "official" since this never made it in the game itself. This is a bunch of skins based on old Darkness concepts by Dorje Bellbrook and Piotr Jabłoński. Fun fact, the "King" above made it far enough in development to get statues and textures made of him.

I named these just off what they look like over what they may have actually been called in concept. I don't know if they have official names. I only called the top one the King because of the statues. Some skins were based on a mix of artwork in some places. The King is a hybrid of both his statue and the Piotr art. The "Archer" is a mix of two pieces of Dorje artwork. The Cultist is based off the Dorje art as well as the colors of this piece by Chris Barrett.

Dorje Concepts
ArcherDestiny Concepts - Darkness Enemies Minecraft Skin
CultistDestiny Concepts - Darkness Enemies Minecraft Skin

Piotr Concepts
Leaf ManDestiny Concepts - Darkness Enemies Minecraft Skin
Arm Man
Hollow Gunner
Hollow Sniper
Hollow Templates (Alex, Steve)

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09/28/2024 2:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Prince
AAAND there goes any worry about future destiny stuff I love this
Archival Mind
10/02/2024 9:40 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster System Collective
Welp, it seems you may be getting more. I have no care of Apollo right now, but Revenant has caught my interest... and that means I may as well do Heresy, too.
