Detective Chicken + Removable Trench coat! Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Detective Chicken + Removable Trench coat!

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Level 17 : Journeyman Dragonborn Procrastinator
I've been getting a surprising number of requests for Minecraft skins! This happened to be one of them! My friend IRL requested a brown chicken skin with a suit and trench coat, all with cool sunglasses, so this is what came of that! I hope you enjoy it! It's a little different from what I usually do but still keeps the same style of things I've done in the past. A fun little bonus feature is the removable trenchcoat with a suit underneath! What do you guys think of that little feature? Should I do stuff like that more often or do you guys care? I'm curious!

Sorry for not posting a lot recently. I've been swamped. But I'm starting back up with Minecraft skins, so be on the lookout for my newer works! I hope you enjoy!
CreditMy Friend Irl who shall remain anonymous

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