Dimitri, King of Faerghus - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Dimitri, King of Faerghus - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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fire emblem man yes
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Prince
I probably won't get many chances to write descriptions about Dimitri, so I should really take the chance to say that after Azure Moon he is definitely my favourite modern Fire Emblem Lord and up there as one of the most interesting lords in the series. While the violent aspects of his mental illness are dramatic, the way in which Dimitri learns not necessarily how to defeat his psychosis, but how to cope with it is both tragic and gripping in a way that goes far beyond the standards of the Lord archetype as we know it. He joins the likes of Sigurd and Ike in questioning what it truly means to be a "Lord".

If you have come looking for more of the 2020 Brave Heroes, you can find an alternate skin based on the emperor class (Brave Edelgard) in the description of this skin.

I have also included a skin of Dimitri's original timeskip design at the bottom of this description. Please note that I will be making a new version when Dimitri receives a Legendary version eventually, so I've only included it so as not to let it go to waste.

Dimitri, King of Faerghus - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Dimitri, King of Faerghus - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Dimitri, King of Faerghus - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin

High Lord (Default Timeskip) Dimitri alts
With dark circles under eyes (Boar Prince)
Without dark circles under eyes (Redeemed)
Without eyepatch (Crimson Flower)

(reminder that I plan to make a new version of these when Dimitri gets a Legendary version)

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09/04/2020 6:42 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
claude when
08/18/2020 5:16 pm
Level 46 : Master Procrastinator
Dimitri is the best 10/10
