Elizabeth "Batty" the Vampire Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Laboratory Experiments Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Elizabeth "Batty" the Vampire

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DinowCookie's Avatar DinowCookie
Retired Moderator
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
My entry for the Laboratory Experiments Skin Contest is a skin which depicts the attempted creation of a vampire gone wrong. Initially I didn't plan on it, but I thought of a backstory for the skin, linking it to PMC's own Batty! Because contrary to everyone referring to Batty as a bat, they're really a vampire. ;)

Elizabeth "Batty" the Vampire Minecraft Skin

"Batty the vampire appears during the month of October!
A rare and sometimes bitey pal that likes to hang on your profile!"

Elizabeth "Batty" the Vampire Minecraft Skin

The story of how Batty became a vampire:

Everyone used to know her as Elizabeth, though that probably wasn't her real name. She was a beautiful, friendly and outgoing young woman but she had an unhealthy obsession with tales of vampires and had the desire to become one. She went out of her way to look like a vampire everyday, wearing fake fangs, red contacts and gothic vampire-looking dresses like you see in movies.

In her search to becoming a true vampire she had been trying to find a scientist who would be willing to help her. Eventually she found an advertisement in a deep dark corner of the internet, from some scientist claiming he had developed a serum to turn a human into a vampire. He was looking for test subjects!

Elizabeth contacted the scientist and they met at the place where he lived. He had a laboratory in the basement of his house, in which he had cages with various animals, and some creatures which Elizabeth had never seen before. Among the cages was one with vampire bats, from which he explained to have taken DNA to produce his vampirism serum.

The scientist opened an old wooden cabinet and took out a tray with vials containing a blood-red serum. He explained it wasn't a dangerous experiment: "If it works, you will become a vampire who lives off human blood. If it doesn't, simply nothing will happen."


Elizabeth stayed at the scientist's house the next days, to monitor changes and possible complications. The experiment went well. During the first few days, Elizabeth started to lose her taste for normal food and she built up a taste for blood which the scientist had supplied plenty of, bagged.

But unfortunately for Elizabeth, the changes didn't stop with the change of her appetite. During the second week she noticed that her left eye changed in color. Not to the blood red color she hoped, but to black, pitch black and not only her iris but the white of her eye too! Not something the scientist had expected to happen, but it did look kind of cool!

Next, her teeth started falling out, which was a much less pleasant change. In fact, it scared Elizabeth and she demanded the scientist would figure out what was going on and reverse it. And so the scientist went to work while Elizabeth continued to transform.

Thick, dark brown hairs started growing not only from her arms and legs, but also on her face! Her hair started falling out.. Her teeth were now replaced with a pair of razor-sharp fangs. Elizabeth was transforming into a vampire bat herself! With it, her thirst for blood grew stronger and she started to lose her mind, especially when the supply of blood started to run out.

By the time most of Elizabeth's face had transformed into that of a bat, the scientist still hadn't found a way to reverse the effects. He was her first victim of many to come. Her mind gets clouded and the instinct of a vampire bat takes over whenever she becomes thirsty for blood, which is when she starts attacking animals and humans alike.


Elizabeth now hides in the house which belonged to the scientist. She only comes out at night when everyone's asleep, to feed. Her transformation continued even further, turning her into a bat completely, but human-sized and thus with a thirst that will drain an animal or person entirely of their blood when fed upon.
CreditCyprezz, for inventing Batty

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12/03/2018 10:09 am
Level 39 : Artisan Artist
Antiquez's Avatar
only 5th? pff this shoulda won
12/03/2018 10:52 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Hehe I did hope to place higher but oh well ^_^ better luck in next contests!
11/06/2018 4:32 pm
Any/All • Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Professor
mcrjellyfish's Avatar
This has to make top three x3
11/08/2018 5:36 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Didn't 😭 oh well, time to make a robot >:)
10/22/2018 11:23 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
enuoia's Avatar
Very creative^^
10/22/2018 12:03 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Thank you :D
10/14/2018 10:44 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
morningblues's Avatar
This is very creative! Good luck!
10/14/2018 10:53 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Thank you! Glad you like my story. ^_^
10/13/2018 11:29 pm
Level 85 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Good luck!
10/14/2018 3:41 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Thank you, you too! ^_^
