Extensive scientific research shows that this is the last image the human brain creates at the point of death. Could this be god himself?-THE LORDE-SELF-INSERT BOSS UNCREATIVE AS BIRB BABY RAGE K- Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Extensive scientific research shows that this is the last image the human brain creates at the point of death. Could this be god himself?-THE LORDE-SELF-INSERT BOSS UNCREATIVE AS BIRB BABY RAGE K-

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Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
this is the ideal male body. you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Extensive scientific research shows that this is the last image the human brain creates at the point of death. Could this be god himself?-THE LORDE-SELF-INSERT BOSS UNCREATIVE AS BIRB BABY RAGE K- Minecraft Skin

THE LORDE from Terraria Calamity mod.

Been making this skin for 10 years so the quality of this is surprisingly great.
CreditI'd like to thank Relogic for making Terraria and Fabsol for developing Calamity Mod and the rest of these people who contribute in making Terraria Calamity Mod and their parents for making them just in time so I can play Terraria with Calamity Mod also P

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10/27/2018 8:25 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
the h#ck why would any1 even download this, u r insane
08/12/2019 4:59 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
you fool, you blongus, you absaloute utter clampongus
