Fading To The Darkness (angle vs devil skin competition entry) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Fading To The Darkness (angle vs devil skin competition entry)

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Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
Darkness is in everyone who lives, including those angles in heaven. Us demons don't know how to love, only hate and we always will. Angels you are all good, until you become one of us, but that just means more for us! not all good people go to heaven, us demons bring heaven to you, if your good enough for us. But then again, its not really hell now is it? HAHAH I thought i would be going to heaven, but you know apparently being broken doesn't get you to heaven faster, it gets you to be a devil. Whats better than being a devil? NOTHING!

I love this idea and to be honest i think this has to be one of my best skins yet! i loved doing the outfit and its was a nice challenge for me! thank you for having me participate!

Heres the contest! www.planetminecraft.com/forums/pmc/events/angel-vs-devil-skin-contest-open-592879/

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08/19/2019 11:40 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Witch
It looks great!! <3 lovely description and thanks for participating! :)
