Fan skin: Gurren Lagann Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Fan skin: Gurren Lagann

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ExtraRam's Avatar ExtraRam
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
"Bust through the Heavens with your drill, Gurren Lagann~!!"

This took so long to make. OY VEY ._o *
So, to get back into making detailed (ish) skins, I decided to do the famous crimson Face from the most awesome anime iI've seen so far, Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

I'm planning on doing four more characters from the anime; Simon, Kamena, Yoko (I need to do female skins) and Veral. I might do some others in the future...

Also, in my opinion, I kinda hate Mia...

EDIT: Gurren (The torso) has darker glasses

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03/08/2012 10:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Lazengann's Avatar
omg. sir. i. love you. if you make Lazengann, i will love you. and share your stuff. everyone must know of this. EVERYONE.
Favorited. Diamond. loved.
