Ferdinand, Heir of House Aegir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Ferdinand, Heir of House Aegir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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fire emblem man yes
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Prince
Ferdinand von Aegir is the eldest son and heir of House Aegir of the Adrestian Empire. His father, Ludwig von Aegir, is the Prime Minister of the Empire, and since the Insurrection of the Seven coup has held the majority of its political power. Ferdinand has a relatively naïve attitude to the nobility and his own privilege, which understandably clashes with Edelgard's revolutionary politics. However, as the son of the Prime Minister he is a necessary asset to her movement, and he is willing to learn with time.

You can find my War Phase Ferdinand skin here, along with my thoughts from when Ferdinand's English voice actor, Billy Kametz, passed away. Five years on from Three Houses, it's clear to see what a cornerstone game it was, and Billy's voice work is impossible to ignore as part of it.

Ferdinand, Heir of House Aegir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Ferdinand, Heir of House Aegir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin

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04/24/2024 3:38 pm
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Pokémon Mage
hoooly shit you came back!! these skins look great as always! :D
