Funtime Freddy | FNaF: Sister Location Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Funtime Freddy | FNaF: Sister Location

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CornKaine's Avatar CornKaine
Level 47 : Master Procrastinator
Yeah, hi, I made a metal bear.
So, Five Nights at Freddys Sister Location! Personally my all time favourite FNaF game, and of course I'd make my personal favourite animatronic from said personal favourite game. Not really much to say about this one, its a simple to-the-point murder Freddy, that being said, the real murder Freddy is coming out tomorrow. 'Round about the same time as today I plan to release both of my Count The Ways Funtime Freddy skins, based on Scotts Prototype model of Funtime Freddy as well as Yenndo, really hoping y'all enjoy this one and CTW Funtime Freddy when I post 'em!

Reference Image:
Funtime Freddy | FNaF: Sister Location Minecraft Skin

Secondary Ref:
Funtime Freddy | FNaF: Sister Location Minecraft Skin
CreditScott Cawthon (Creating FNaF and FNaF: SL), Chociily (Color input).

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by CornKaine 09/04/2021 4:43:23 amSep 4th, 2021

Updated 4 missing pixels on the tops of the legs alongside tag editing.

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05/01/2024 9:38 pm
He/Him • Level 20 : Expert Cupcake Robot
The_StripeDH's Avatar
You should make a Molten Freddy skin
05/02/2024 12:16 am
Level 47 : Master Procrastinator
CornKaine's Avatar
I really want to do the scraps at some point, but I have about 5 games worth of skins to semi-selectively make better versions of first. PopSm1le did some amazing scrap skins recently though, I'd really recommend supporting their stuff. Honestly not even sure I could do better.

That and I use master procrastinator as my title for a reason
05/02/2024 8:28 am
He/Him • Level 20 : Expert Cupcake Robot
The_StripeDH's Avatar
They don't have Funtime Freddy yet and I've downloaded both of their Molten skins but I want to see others versions of the Molten amalgamation
02/10/2023 9:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
rightisleft's Avatar
Cool! Can I request something?
02/10/2023 10:50 pm
Level 47 : Master Procrastinator
CornKaine's Avatar
Can't promise anything will be done, but have at it.
02/10/2023 11:37 pm
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02/10/2023 11:45 pm
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02/11/2023 11:47 am
Level 47 : Master Procrastinator
CornKaine's Avatar
I'd suggest commissioning my good friend SynaBytez for stuff like that, that's a really convoluted design.
02/11/2023 11:47 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Robot Nerd
SynaBytez's Avatar
I hate my life.
09/03/2021 2:04 pm
Level 22 : Expert Procrastinator
Angsty's Avatar
Holy craaaaap. This skin.. THIS. SKIN. You are actually insane.
I'd just like to say I think not trying to fit in the faceplate lines for the head was a very smart idea, because they're just such an integral yet small detail, it just looks better to go for skin integrity and appearance rather than.. accuracy to the character. ESPECIALLY when the body is just.. ACTUALLY TOP TIER?

And I just made the cursed realization that Bonbon is absent.
09/03/2021 2:58 pm
Level 47 : Master Procrastinator
CornKaine's Avatar
Yeah, I was never really a fan of skins that included Bon Bon, it just seems so pointless to me, not to mention it takes up way too much space and doesn't even look good 90% of the time.

There are quite a few other small inaccuracies that I think make it work just a bit better as a skin personally, though I do find that ironic considering that this particular rendition of my Funtime Freddy skin, this being the third version, is actually the most accuracy-based version, going as far as to reference classic Funtime Freddy, FNaF VR Funtime Freddy, and The Fourth Closet Funtime Freddy incorporating aspects of each.
As for the faceplates, it's mostly because I didn't even want to touch that mess, though I will most definitely agree that faceplates make the skin itself so much more crowded and generally just- really unappealing to look at. This being a roleplay-based skin, it's far easier to just say the faceplates are there than it is for me to go out of my way to shade them in.
Thanks though man, means a great bit!
