Green Time Force Ranger Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Green Time Force Ranger

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Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Thanks to a green gem embedded in his forehead, he has the ability to read minds, pinpoint locations, and see the future in some instances (although this power should not be relied on, as it kicks in arbitrarily and without notice). Trip is the naive member of the team, since his society is one without secrets. As such, he is sometimes gullible, leading to negative consequences.

Trip looks up to the other Rangers, but is a good Ranger in his own right. He is extremely skilled with technology, having created the Electro Booster weapon as well as their robotic owl, Circuit. Trip is also willing to stand up for what he believes is right, such as when he tried to protect a mutant named Notacon (who did not want to be evil) from being destroyed by Eric Myers just because Notacon was a mutant; Trip even put himself on the line to protect the poor mutant, and Eric deliberately missed the pair, sparing them.

Trip was in part responsible for Nadira's reform. He forced her to help a woman in labor, and the sight of the newborn made Nadira rethink her ways. Trip was sent back to the future by Wes, but accompanied the others back to the present to help him fight. He later returned with the other Time Force Rangers to battle the Mut-Orgs alongside the Wild Force Power Rangers.

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CreditPower Rangers

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Matheus9171 12/28/2012 12:43:17 pmDec 28th, 2012

New description

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