Halo Infinite Master Chief Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Halo Infinite Master Chief

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FireFistK's Avatar FireFistK
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pirate
So as the name implies this is the Halo Infinite version of Master Chief.I made the skin using the original Xbox one mc version of halo 5 master chief and worked from there, this will most likely need some work later on, once we have seen more angles of him in the new armor. but for right now I think this is a good enough substitute. hope you enjoy him and let me know if there is anything that needs work :)

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09/19/2020 2:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AG117's Avatar
Hey, I love the skin, It looks fantastic, In fact, I use it. Just could you make it say 117 instead of 11? It looks weird when it's 11.
09/19/2020 3:31 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pirate
FireFistK's Avatar
Hey thanks for the reply, im really glad you like it. Now I know the 2 white lines look like eleven but if I had it say 117 it would be to big so I tried to have it there as a detail to imply that the 117 would be there, I could maybe change the size and add a different white in the middle and that might make it look a little better but idk, its a pretty small change so really if you wanted to try it yourself you could. But I am really glad you like the skin
07/27/2020 8:21 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pirate
FireFistK's Avatar
So I looked at more pictures of the new Chief armor and redid a few areas on the skin, like the back cause the back needed the most work, and I changed some parts of the helmet as well but I do think the helmet still needs a little work towards the bottom backside
