Hatty Hattington (Battle Block Theatre) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Hatty Hattington (Battle Block Theatre)

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Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Everyday of my life as I play Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid HD, I just get really eager to play Battle Block Theatre. I've beaten Castle Crashers 6 or 7 times, and I've beaten Alien Hominid HD once too.
Sometimes playing Castle Crashers as Alien Hominid doesn't make me addicted enough.
The Other Story
I play Minecraft on the Xbox sometimes and when the Halloween Charity Skin Pack came out, I noticed that Hatty was in it, but I was like: "What does Hatty Hattington have to do with Halloween?" and I didn't have enough Microsoft points but it was only until my birthday (which was the 11th of December) that I got them. Then the pack was no longer sold and I couldn't buy it. So this is how I came around that.
CreditThe Behemoth for all these games I stated

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12/30/2012 11:53 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Nice job, bro ;)
