Jacket | Hotline Miami Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Jacket | Hotline Miami

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Skinner
Do you like hurting other people?

Who is leaving messages on your answering machine?

 Where are you right now?

 Why are we having this conversation?

Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game overflowing with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay and skull crushing close combat. Set in an alternative 1989 Miami, you will assume the role of a mysterious antihero on a murderous rampage against the shady underworld at the behest of voices on your answering machine. Soon you'll find yourself struggling to get a grip of what is going on and why you are prone to these acts of violence.

Jacket is the main protagonist and player character of Hotline Miami.His name started out as a nickname by players due to his letterman jacket, but Dennis Wedin took up calling him Jacket in various interviews. Over the course of the first game, the protagonist dons various animal masks, leading to other fan nicknames, and performs a number of brutal assassinations in response to cryptic messages left on his answering machine.

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03/29/2016 11:43 am
Level 40 : Master Loremaster
I love it.
