Jawa [Star Wars Skin Set] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Jawa [Star Wars Skin Set]

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Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
The Jawa, a Band of Droidnappers living on the desert planet of Tatooine Kidnap droids and sell them to local people. In the Fourth episode they get R2-D2 and C3-PO and sell them to Luke Skywalker's uncle to help run their Harvesters. Luke later finds Princess Leia's secret message to Obi-wan Kenobi and begins his epic adventure.


Hide you wife, Hide you Droids!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by jl70l7u 11/28/2012 6:18:43 pmNov 28th, 2012

Changed Hood and Chest and added Picture

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09/24/2013 9:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
How do you do your shading? Also nice work diamond,favorited,and subscribed :D
12/25/2012 10:42 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
I love it!
12/04/2012 9:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Blob
This is some nice shading you have :) Keep up the good work!
12/04/2012 9:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
Thanks :D
11/30/2012 4:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
looks awesome! Nice work. Those things have totally gone past me in the star wars series, I had to do loads of homework while my brother watched the movies :P Somehow I've never gotten around to watch them properly.
11/30/2012 4:55 pm
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
Thanks :3 You should watch it. In my opinion the new ones suck (Episodes I-III)
12/01/2012 5:05 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
I actually really liked the new movies, I also don't see what's the big deal about Jar Jar, I liked him, he's funny. They are just completely different from the earlier movies. I'll see if I can come around it some time, by then I want to see the original first-made movies, not with all the new crap where they changed things
12/01/2012 7:36 am
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
The time about the new ones is they use a crapton of CG and there isn't that "handmade" feeling. Even though the old ones have bad visual effects it was the original with a good plot. The new one is mostly Politics and Love. Not a good mix. But of course your entitled to your opinion :D
12/01/2012 8:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Yes I am ^-^

But that doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong and you make some good points, and I think it's nice to learn how other people look at it. I know that people have something against the new movies, but I didn't know why. The new movies do have a lot of visual effects and I suddenly remember I absolutely loath the second movie because of the winy arrogant anakin character. Also now I think of it, the original does have a purer plot. I notice this with a lot of films and tv series, the first ones or first series of anything is usually the best, after that the plot thins out, becomes farfetched and or mostly based on drama and love. About the new movies though, I like that you get to know the history of it all, I also like the whole jediish feel of it, there are more jedi in the new movies and I kind of like that. And :D I have to say I like the artness/artiness (I don't know) about movies like these: the music, the acting, the stuntmanship and the decors and video edits. I ones saw a special on how the made episode III and you wont believe how many artist are working on something like that, not to mention anyone who is busy building a yoda or graphicly building that giant lizard of Obi One for example. I highly respect that.

What are your views on that topic?
12/01/2012 1:52 pm
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
I do appreciate the art. I think its fantastic! I also like seeing the back story but I feel it could have used more action. I would have enjoyed the New movies more if the CG was like today's. It makes it cheesy-er (to me) when they try and there are some fails rather than when they try and it looks horrible like the Originals. Thanks for writing so much :D
