Jurassic World: Anthro Blue Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Jurassic World: Anthro Blue

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pokémon
Jurassic World: Anthro Blue Minecraft SkinI watched Jurassic World the other day. One of the velociraptors seemed almost human. This was Blue. I wanted to make a Minecraft skin of a more humanlike Blue to show this.

Thus, Anthro Blue. She likes doing human things like wearing clothes! Also, being a reptile, she is lacking certain features that only mammals have.

The colors for the skin were picked directly from the image you see above.

Yeah. I'm a furry. Deal with it or Gee-Tee-Eff-Oh.
CreditJurassic World, whoever drew the picture

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Vincent _1987
09/06/2016 5:58 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Meme
"Also, being a reptile, she is lacking certain features that only mammals have."

(insert lenny face here)

I'm sorry, I just had to add that. xD
