καωαιι | mabel contest results - pixel art soon to be made ♥ Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

καωαιι | mabel contest results - pixel art soon to be made ♥

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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon

mabel contest results

yeet! The contest is over, and the results have made it through. Thank you for all of your kind entries, I will be giving some shout outs as well to some people I think have improved.

♥ winners ♥
The person leading up into first place was... Chabilulu!
καωαιι | mabel contest results - pixel art soon to be made ♥ Minecraft Skin
I thought this entry would really fit first place because of her creativeness. The shooting star was just beautiful and as always, the shading was excellent! Great job for first place.

Coming up at second place was... anxiety_!
καωαιι | mabel contest results - pixel art soon to be made ♥ Minecraft Skin
Amazingly this skin had very soft and light palettes which is why it came second, and it overall ended up looking very cute! Congratulations on second place.

Finally, in third place we have... Arie_!
καωαιι | mabel contest results - pixel art soon to be made ♥ Minecraft Skin
Finalizing as third place, you became very lucky. Arie_'s entry had deep colors, and I loved how the sweater got a little lighter as it goes up. This skin definitely deserved to be in 3rd, great job.

♥ shout outs ♥
The first shout out goes to... MCRJellyfish07!

You get a shout out because I have seen much improvement in this skin since my last contest and I think you did really well on this skin, especially with the hair! Great job.

The second shout out goes to... laurEEn!

I need to give you a shout out just because I think you did beyond excellent shading! The reason you didn't hit the top three was because this type of shading wasn't the type for this contest, but I think you really outdid yourself. This skin was just excellent!

congratulations to everyone who entered, you did so good! :)
The participation trophy will be released soon so if you want it directly right now please PM me until I put it up here!

♥ ♥ ♥

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12/17/2018 2:45 pm
Any/All • Level 81 : Elite Meme Wisp
why did i never said thank you for 2nd tho?
12/17/2018 5:42 pm
Any/All • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon
10/28/2018 8:56 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Poro
Thank you i guess ?? My skin honestly didn't deserve to get first place
10/29/2018 6:11 pm
Any/All • Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Procrastinator
Congrats! You totally deserve it <3 <3
10/27/2018 11:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Waffle
Im suprised some people still use the noise option on skin editing, sure its fast but I have not used that one ever since I was almost 9 years old, now im 13... Yup its been 6 years that I have been making skins.
10/28/2018 12:02 pm
Any/All • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon
Atmoic Nightmare, please do not comment this stuff on here that is not related to this skin, I don't like when people do that.
10/27/2018 10:27 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
so happy for the winners ^^ CONGRATULATIONS
10/27/2018 9:33 pm
Any/All • Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Procrastinator
Congrats on the winners!
This was an amazing contest Kawaii! I had so much fun :D
<3 <3
