Metal Rose [LOTC] [Comm] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Metal Rose [LOTC] [Comm]

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Elf Enchanter
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Metal Rose [LOTC] [Comm] Minecraft Skin

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11/26/2023 3:14 pm
Level 42 : Master Blueberry
Hi! I randomly stumbled across your page and I wanted to say that I think your skins look really great. It's amazing the amount of detail you've been able to fit in; it's tough texturing in such a limited amount of space so kudos to you (a larger canvas brings its own set of issues, admittedly).

Pretty small world...I used to play on the LOTC server too, back in the way beginning.

11/26/2023 6:53 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Elf Enchanter
Thanks! I always love when people comment, and larger canvases are definitely harder. I've been branching into 3d models for some mods, it's always tough with a new shape!

LOTC is definitely still going, with a couple of the ancient places still around. (Haelun'or is the only one that comes to mind)
11/27/2023 5:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Blueberry
You're so welcome; I always try to comment on stuff I like, because it's always nice to receive feedback. I know that's my sentiment for my own content, so I imagine that is often the case for others too.

In particular, I'm really interested in good skin artists, because I like to see what works well and to see if there's any new ideas or techniques I can use to improve my own skin.

Looking back in your portfolio, it was interesting and neat to see the progression of your skill. You improved quite a bit and your skins are amazing.

As for LOTC, I do like to pop onto the forums every year or so, just to see what's going on. I played on the original Aegis server and was an Elf in Laurelin. It was fun times; I have very fond memories. I'm glad the server is still alive and kicking.

Anyways, keep up the great work!
