Miles Morales | Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse | Spider-Man | Casual Outfit | Outfit base Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Miles Morales | Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse | Spider-Man | Casual Outfit | Outfit base

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Level 38 : Artisan Dinosaur Cupcake
Miles Morales' casual outfit from SM:AtSV, who has layered far too many tops for my Minecraft skinner self to handle!! :D (i tried my best)

Everything is completely mine!! Jays, and all! :)

Hope you like it! I spent a good amount of time on it, especially since (as mentioned) I had SOO much FUN making his shirt/jacket/coat layers!! (i hope it's acceptable enough for everyone T-T)

>> please don't repost my skins, i will find u :) <<

This is the layering I'm talking about btw... This is an action figure, but it's the best full image of it I can find.
Miles Morales | Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse | Spider-Man | Casual Outfit | Outfit base Minecraft Skin

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