Пётр Аркадьевич Столыпин, Pyotr Stolypin Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Пётр Аркадьевич Столыпин, Pyotr Stolypin

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Russian Mafia
Level 47 : Master Organization
Пётр Аркадьевич Столыпин, Pyotr Stolypin Minecraft Skin
Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin
14 April 1862 – 18 September 1911

Pyotr Stolypin was a Russian politician and statesman. He served as the third prime minister and the interior minister of the Russian Empire from 1906 until his assassination in 1911.

Пётр Аркадьевич Столыпин, Pyotr Stolypin Minecraft Skin

The last major transformations in the country are associated with his name. Among them are the agrarian reform, the development of Siberia and the settlement of the eastern part of the country. All the years in the public service, Stolypin fought against separatism and the revolutionary movement. The gallows are also associated with his name - "Stolypin's ties".

„You, gentlemen, are in need of great upheavals; we are in need of Great Russia“ - P.A. Stolypin

CreditPyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin

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