Pearl -A Single Pale Rose- Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Pearl -A Single Pale Rose-

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Pearl:"You know this is crazy right?"
Rose Nods
Pearl: "Your status, my purpose, none of it will matter anymore!"
Rose nods
Pearl: " This will change... Everything..."
Rose: "...I know! Isnt it exciting!
Pearl: Sighs, but blushes as she looks up to rose "It Is."
Rose: "We can leave our old lives behind. If this is really my own world, I want to give it to the crystal gems. I want to live here with human beings! I want to live here with you! We'll both finally be free!"
Pearl: blushes harder as she looks up to rose again, once more. "Okay. I'm Ready."

Character created by Rebecca Sugar and owned by Cartoon Network
CreditCharacter created by Rebecca Sugar and owned by Cartoon Network

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Diamond Domain
06/10/2018 1:39 pm
Level 25 : Expert Network
*claps* omg amazing!!
