Petra, Princess of Brigid - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Petra, Princess of Brigid - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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fire emblem man yes
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Prince
Petra Macneary is the Princess of Brigid, a kingdom comprised of several islands off the coast of the Adrestian Empire. Five years prior to her enrolling in the Officer's Academy at Garreg Mach, her father was killed by Count Bergliez of the Empire, and her attendance is considered a sign of Brigid's subjugation, leaving her with a grudge against the Adrestian nobility and House Bergliez.

My old Petra skin can be found here.

Petra, Princess of Brigid - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Petra, Princess of Brigid - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin

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