Girl Minecraft Skin
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Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
ahJJjVsjpgxOSApAsjpgFpITvsjpghCARUXisjpgiiyJfsjpgCRlvvFmsjpgmzavpCBsjpgOBzWxCdsjpg <--- More Colors! I used a base from coolster645(I give all credit to u! Ur amazing :D), because i am bad with hair and skin color. The clothes were made by me. All i did was change the Eye color and Bow color. I think the reason there is no hair in the back is because its all been pulled to the front, as is a popular hairstyle that i wear (So i decided to leave it that way) :) anyway, BE SURE TO CHECK OUT coolster645's SKINS! THEY'RE AMAZING! :) There are many other hair colors to choose from with the bases. They have blond hair, and more! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NOT KNOW HOW TO GET THE DIFFERENT COLOURED SKINS (Other Than The Origional Pink Skin) Right click the picture of the desired colour. Then, click "Save Image As" (Or "Save Link As" it could say either one). And go to and select "Profile" And click "Choose File" And Click the File Name of the skin. And Change it! Done! :)

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