Pokémon Espeon Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Pokémon Espeon

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Planet Forge
Level 33 : Artisan Pokémon
This Espeon the psychic type eevee evolution from Pokémon Park Ball battle IV.png

maybe it doesn't have so much shading but it does look kinda... nice?

Pokémon Espeon Minecraft Skin Gotta catch' em all johto contest

Shiny will be in the description latter...
CreditPokémon, Nintendo and Game Freak

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Eli the Zeratoed
11/01/2018 9:09 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Hey hey! Guess who's here to judge your entry? That's right, the big "bad" Peridot who's apparently named Eli for some reason. Here's what I have to say about your Espeon:
Technique - 9/10. This definitely looks like an Espeon! The only problem is I can't make out the tail that well on the back of the skin.
Quality - 7/10. I've got to agree with your description about it's shading. It's basic but has it's own charm.
Functionality - 9/10. It's an Alex skin, but I think it looks better that way.
Planet Forge
11/02/2018 12:28 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pokémon
Thanks :D
and yes the tail was hard to make without it looking weird.
