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I attempted better shading and attempted to give her french braids. :D
She is a little girl who goes EVERYWHERE with her teddy bear (that has slightly faded fur especially on the head from too much love)! She even goes to fancy places where she needs to dress up with her teddy bear. She sticks out her tongue at everyone who thinks she is just a bit too cute and silly, which is everyone.
Was for Fawkesy's Contest .
If anyone has any suggestions for me to improve my skins more, that I can implement in my new skins, please suggest them! I'm still learning and would like to learn more techniques. Thanks!
/give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Teddy Bear"},SkullOwner:{Id:"c5944710-5527-47a8-9168-49dbdca423d4",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDVmNWJmODUxMGZmY2QzYTVlOWQ3ODI1YjY0MzMzYTEyMWQ1NjFmZTJjZGQ3NjdjN2UxOGI4Y2M1MjFiNiJ9fX0="}]}}}
YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REPOST MY SKINS! Please report the stolen skin if you find it on another skin website or another user posted it. Also, please link in the comments the page to my skin post.
She is a little girl who goes EVERYWHERE with her teddy bear (that has slightly faded fur especially on the head from too much love)! She even goes to fancy places where she needs to dress up with her teddy bear. She sticks out her tongue at everyone who thinks she is just a bit too cute and silly, which is everyone.
Was for Fawkesy's Contest .
If anyone has any suggestions for me to improve my skins more, that I can implement in my new skins, please suggest them! I'm still learning and would like to learn more techniques. Thanks!
Standing Still Photos
Sorry for the weird quality of them. Didn't want her arms, legs, and head moved cause it looks funny with this skin.
Item Head Command
/give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Teddy Bear"},SkullOwner:{Id:"c5944710-5527-47a8-9168-49dbdca423d4",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDVmNWJmODUxMGZmY2QzYTVlOWQ3ODI1YjY0MzMzYTEyMWQ1NjFmZTJjZGQ3NjdjN2UxOGI4Y2M1MjFiNiJ9fX0="}]}}}
YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REPOST MY SKINS! Please report the stolen skin if you find it on another skin website or another user posted it. Also, please link in the comments the page to my skin post.
Gender | Female |
Format | Java |
Model | Alex |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by Purrfectionist 10/25/2016 7:06:09 pmOct 25th, 2016
Added item head command.
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i need it for a server and I'm not op so I can't do /give
btw it's abzu on skinseed
and yay! you have an account!
haha yeah, that's one of the main reasons im keeping the picture for awhile before I change it cause i know most people wont know who i am hah
that's a good plan.
1) you're alive yay
2) the bear design omggggg ;;oo;;
Glad you like the bear. (: It'll look adorable in a house! :D