Sothe (Fire Emblem) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Sothe (Fire Emblem)

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CaptainX24's Avatar CaptainX24
Level 44 : Master Lava Rider
This skin was requested by Torch105. If you want to request a skin (namely Fire Emblem, but anything works) I encourage you to do so, especially in the comments.

Overall, this was somewhat of a tough skin to make. There were a few variations of Sothe artwork that I found online, and I went with a little bit of a hybrid between them, though I mostly stuck to what I believe is his Radiant Dawn artwork. The hardest part for me to do was the hair, and I think I ended up doing an OK job. It may have looked a little better before I added noise, though.

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11/02/2011 8:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
44no44's Avatar

This is Reyson, another Fire emblem character. If you can, please make a skin of him. I need it within four weeks, though :(. My minecraft server has a race of people that can fly, so, being thier leader, i want to look like this. (Please make the wings on his back)
07/23/2011 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Shazbar's Avatar

You've put a lot of effort into that skin as can be seen. You've even included the wrinkles in his clothes and the shading in the hair, well done! I do have a request then. From the above is Canas, a shaman who proves to be a very powerful character. He is without a doubt one of my favourite characters from the Fire Emblem series yet no one has made a skin of him. Would you be able to craft the skin of Canas for me?
07/24/2011 12:42 am
Level 44 : Master Lava Rider
CaptainX24's Avatar
I'll get to working on that pretty soon, then :D
