Spearman Waddle Dee Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Spearman Waddle Dee

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Level 47 : Master Musician
Remember that cute, stereotypical, overlooked red thing that waddled through almost every single Kirby game in history? Well, a rogue one went hardcore and joined the Kirby Crew with a spear and a bandana. Meet Spearman Waddle Dee.

P.S. That thing coming from his spear is a piece of cloth he tied to it, not blood.

So, if you like the skin, diamond it!
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All of those help me out, so thank you guys! :D

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Blaze22039 11/13/2012 6:48:27 pmNov 13th, 2012

Revamped skin!!!

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