The Hollow - Boss Battle Skin Contest Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Boss Battle Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

The Hollow - Boss Battle Skin Contest

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master exploder7's Avatar master exploder7
Level 46 : Master Dragonborn
Steve has fought the might of a 3 headed being of withering, a creature of mass strength that resides in a temple under the oceans, and even a great dragon within another dimension. But now, Steve is faced with a new being, one that he has not seen before. Will he be able to defeat... "The Hollow".

Who or what the skin is:

The Hollow, otherwise known as the Night Monster, is everything a dreamer fears, it thrives on the fear of children, taking a cruel delight in turning their pleasant dreams into nightmares.

It is my imagining of a creature that haunts the closets and dark corners of your nightmares, feeding on your fear to survive. It is with such fear that can allow The Hollow to enter reality. Once it comes, it will bring with it the disease and act as an invisible hostile enemy that only attacks when the character is in complete darkness or unable to see.

What The Hollow hates, is when in rare cases, the dreamer overcomes their fears and don't believe in him, causing The Hollow to cease to exist.

Although few have succumed to The Hollow, it is said that it does not look disimiliar to a plague doctor. The disease itself first appears with symptoms similar to that of the common cold. Unfortunately, within a few days, the disease progresses. It begins with the victim experiecning more night terrors and eventually, they are too afraid to sleep. Due to the insomnia, the victim starts to have temperature fluctuations and hallucinations that force many victims to madness. The complete loss of sleep results in rapid weight loss; dementia and irresponsiveness, followed by a sudden death which leaves their skin cold to the touch. However, their body still acts mindlessly, spreading the disease to others. It is with The Hollow's gear that, in theory, protects it from contamination.

How it relates to the theme of "Boss Battle":

After conquering the other bosses of Minecraft, it is up to the player to defeat what is currently mearly more than a myth and put an end the plague it brings with it. It will be the most difficult challenge Steve has yet to face, and he will have to be strong not just physically, but also mentally, to resist the nightmares in which The Hollow creates for him.

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07/31/2015 4:55 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
SuperAdamGalaxy's Avatar
This is really awesome! Deserves a higher ranking.
06/21/2015 1:32 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
Banana's Avatar
Looks like Plauge Knight :D
06/06/2015 6:43 am
Level 36 : Artisan System
xdthomasu's Avatar
06/05/2015 9:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Baconator
BenDragonsword's Avatar
I hope to see this in the finalists! Awesome job!
06/05/2015 8:42 pm
He/They • Level 75 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Drzzter's Avatar
06/06/2015 5:51 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I thought you made this
06/07/2015 8:59 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster uwu uwu
Mursuppa's Avatar
Same here
06/05/2015 4:41 pm
Level 44 : Master Unicorn
RockSkull's Avatar
