The Jersey Devil - Crazy Halloween Costumes Skin Contest Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Crazy Halloween Costumes Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

The Jersey Devil - Crazy Halloween Costumes Skin Contest

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
The Jersey Devil 
A short story

Isaac lived in New Jersey and Halloween was quickly approaching. Isaac was an average guy but he couldn't think of a costume idea, so he went looking for something in his towns dump in hope of finding something cool, if not he'd go as a cardboard robot like last year. When he was looking through the trash, something red caught his eye, he went over and found an awesome looking devil mask! Even if the rest of his costume was crap, the mask would make it come together, so he ran home to work on it. He put on jeans with his red sneakers, a white undershirt with an orange sweater vest, then he put on his black varsity jacket with red sleeves and tied a red blanket around his neck for a cape. FInally he reached for the devil masked, he put it on, but something wasn't right. He fell to the floor unable to move as he felt himself slowly losing consciousness.

Then there was nothing. 

What picked itself off the floor wasn't Isaac, instead it was a dark being trapped inside the mask, and whoever wore it would become it's next host. The being was indeed a demon from the depths of hell and it's soul prupose was too create chaos

It looked in the mirror to examine Isaac's old form, the only difference being that his eyes were now a firey orange. The demon walked outside, inhaled fresh air and continued on it's way to end as many lives as possible that night, and if it got blood on it's costume? good! It would add to the effect, I mean, it's halloween, who would look twice at supposedly fake blood...

Hey, this is my entry for the Crazy Halloween Costume Skin Contest. He's the Jersey Devil because he lives in New Jersey and is a devil, clever right? Yeah, I don't think so either... 
Please show your support by giving that diamond button a click, and feel free to leave a comment, especially if it's feedback.

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05/05/2017 9:35 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Toast
;o The Jersey Devil 1. Already exists, but allsssoooo 2. I've been to New Jersey recently and my dad told me about it ;o ;o ;o this is freaking hilarious considering I was just down there. xD
11/12/2015 6:49 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Nether Knight Kitten
Congratz Friend 5th :D
10/23/2015 3:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Aaand I've found my favorite.
10/16/2015 10:54 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Gent
Terrifyingly Awesome!
10/16/2015 1:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Like your reflection 

Ooooh! Burn!
10/16/2015 10:24 am
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ayye nice shading and colors
10/16/2015 1:06 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Ayye nice face and booty 

I regret nothing!
10/17/2015 9:23 am
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
ooooooh baby ;)
10/16/2015 2:13 am
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10/16/2015 1:06 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
This isn't a cosplay, this is a skin. Pfft, get your crap together, gosh
