The red giant superstar Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

The red giant superstar

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Level 48 : Master Bunny Princess
To be loved is to be lovable
I want to solve the mystery of what that takes
I have taken on many forms, worn many masks
Going without had left me damaged
Day after day, a cruel stage play
A different character, a different script
As an audience watches lousy attempts, one after the other
The piercing gazes feel so right because
I want all of their eyes on me
I want them to watch me dance
I want them to listen to my words
I want them to clap at the end
But for how long can I keep going?
How long will it take for people to utter my name?
How long will it take for people to look up to me?
How long will it take for me to be a headliner?
Isolation has led to the pursuit of supplementary adoration
A million faces that stare at me but I could never stare at
To be loved is to wear yourself down because
"You will never be enough for anyone"
CreditSkin intentionally left "unfinished"; but is that impressive?

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12/04/2024 7:28 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Geek
You can't really tell it's unfinished until you read the credit. Impressive work!
Star Emma
12/03/2024 7:25 pm
She/Her • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart Elf
Very Cool
