Undead John Marston - Red Dead Redemption Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Undead John Marston - Red Dead Redemption

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GregoryCherry's Avatar GregoryCherry
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Since you guys helped me so much, I worked all day yesterday to make this for you guys :)

Another skin will be made at 46 subs or 100 downloads :D
Check out my non-zombie version too if you'd like - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/john-marston---red-dead-redemption-shot-gun-on-back/

Don't forget to leave a DIamond :D I think ill make a regular John Next. Maybe Dutch.


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08/28/2012 7:21 am
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Hatley's Avatar
That is amazing. Could you try and do a Landon Ricketts skin?
08/24/2012 6:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
darkdempsey's Avatar
red dead redemption zombie marston cool
08/24/2012 11:43 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
GregoryCherry's Avatar
Thanks you :)
08/23/2012 8:56 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
MrZugen's Avatar
This looks awesome!
08/24/2012 11:43 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
GregoryCherry's Avatar
Thanks! Took me a while :P
08/22/2012 5:34 pm
Level 29 : Expert Droid
Comunacho's Avatar
I upload a shaded zombie skin: No one sees
Another person uploads an unshaded zombie skin: top rel

08/23/2012 5:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Blazeflambeeee's Avatar
No, srlsy, tell me.
You uploaded a really horrible and simple skin of a unknow SWAT zombie with a """""""""shade"""""""" that is very simple and similar to the one from Default skin.
He uploaded a detailed skin of ZOMBIE MARSTON, from RED DEAD REDEMPTION, a famous game with just 2-3 decent skins on this site and thousands of people that want a decent one.
So, you are only spamming your profile and this is very disappointing. .-.
08/24/2012 5:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Droid
Comunacho's Avatar
Oh really? THIS is exactly why PMC is going down, people don`t want ORIGINAL skins, only famous people skin. Plus, THAT is not called shading, it`s called NOISE, there is NO LIGHT SOURCE you can see, no brighter points where it should be. I made an actually sahded skin and by SHADED I mean you can see a light source that MAKES SENSE. So you are another one of those people who hate original content and only like famous people. And I have no idea what you mean "similar to the default skin" since even the face shades are different, if anyhting is similar to a default skin, it`s more this skin than mine. You clearly do not understand what a good skin is, and this is what is making PMC have HORRIBLE conent. AND I wanted to make him "unknown" BECAUSE I UPLOAD ORIGINAL CONENT, and I prefer if he hasn`t been done before. So you FAILED at all your arguments, and I'm not saying this skin is bad, and Im not advertising my porfile, but I just wanted to say that PMC is really unfair sometimes. I really don`t like people like you who don`t like originality and shading on skins, you are making PMC worse.
Another thing, I actually like this skin, except that it has no shading, just random scale pixels everywhere.
08/25/2012 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Blazeflambeeee's Avatar
I just reply ONE time, after this i will post, if you want to continue, we can do it in MP.
I'm just saying that famous SKINS, not people, famous skin of FAMOUS PG, are more researched than unknow ones, and gets more success.
YOU failed your technique of skinning, if you want to become famous you must FIRST do skin of famous subjects of your favourite games/books, gain a bit of subscribers AND THEN you can try new technique and new subjects, THE WORLD functions in this way.
You can't sign up, make skins of people that nobody knows and pretend to began famous with other milion of people that post skin everyday.
I'm not english, my english is pretty mediocre and maybe in that occasion i didn't explain very well.
08/25/2012 10:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Droid
Comunacho's Avatar
You`re a level 1, how are you supposed to know?
