Viking Huskàrlar Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Viking Huskàrlar

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Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
The Danish Huskàrlar or in the common tongue Housecarls are the Jarl´s personal bodyguards their skills with Dane Axes is unmatched. Because of their status as the lord´s bodyguards they are able to affort very expensive and strong armour. Later the saxons used similar bodyguards for their Eorlman ( Later known as the title of Earl). The helmet he wears is from a burial mound near Vendel that´s why this helm type is also often reffered to as the Vendelhelm.

Now YOU can wield your mighty Dane Axe into battle! Protect your Jarl from harm and slice your foes in half, RAGNAR LOTHBROKK!!! (Ragnar is great)

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