WW2 [HEER] German Panzergrenadier Rifleman Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

WW2 [HEER] German Panzergrenadier Rifleman

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Hallo Sanitater
Level 56 : Grandmaster Soldier
German Soldiers in WW2 were the main fighting force of the Heer. The Wehrmacht, or Nazi Germany's armed forces, had many divisions and specializations of soldiers who fought for Hitler's Reich. In the Heer, soldiers used many different vehicles during the Blitzkrieg, following behind the tanks with half-tracks and trucks. These men were labeled as Panzergrenadiers, with their specialty in combat within a vehicle. A rifleman usually carried a Kar98k pouch, shovel, zeltbahn, gas mask canister, water bottle, and a couple of stick grenades.

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04/16/2021 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
If my request is ok with you then please reply to this message!
04/16/2021 9:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hi! I’m a small time Youtuber who likes making history based Minecraft videos for fun and educational purposes (with a bit of comedy). I’ve seen your work on PlanetMinecraft before and am very impressed! I’m writing this letter to you to ask for your permission to use (and or edit) one or more of your skins in my future video/videos! All my videos are non commercial and you will of course be given credit in the video description for any of your skins that are used. I’m not making a guarantee that I will end up using (and or editing) any of your skins but I’d like to have your permission just in case. If you are ok with me using (and or editing) one or more of your skins in my video/videos, then please respond to this letter saying that I have your permission. Thank you again!

Here is my YouTube channel if you're interested in seeing what type of Minecraft videos I’d like to use the skin/skins in! My user name is TheKnightMentor


Thank u.!!
06/18/2020 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Network
