yae miko ~ genshin impact Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

yae miko ~ genshin impact

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Level 43 : Master Goblin
yae miko so true
we are actually married fun fact

uhh so i did the inazuma story quest and it was gorgeous
all of the inazuma characters are so pretty?!?!?!

also i absolutely went overboard on the light source, its a bit too orangey purple for my tastes but i wanted to recreate the really pretty cutscenes with yae, i kinda failed aha
i might make a less filtered (??) version but we will see
because i m lazy

overall im really satisfied with this skin, its so difficult to get all the details in but i did pretty alright :)

uhh i hope u enjoy, gobye o///

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09/14/2021 5:28 pm
Level 43 : Master Goblin
NOOO tags arent in order it was supposed to say we are married not clickbait real
but now yae is tagged as real which she isnt

get scammed
