Yoshikage Kira (Original Appearance) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Yoshikage Kira (Original Appearance)

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Level 44 : Master Wolf
While I'm happy to see a lot of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure skins starting to show up, I noticed that there were very few of Yoshikage Kira, or even Part 4 in general. The general trend is that I make my own personal skin from this series, and someone much more skilled than I takes over and makes even better skins.

Let's hope that's the case :3

(Skin is designed to work on either the 3pixel or 4pixel arm, because Kira isn't particularly buff, I elected to display him with the 3pixel arm.)
CreditEdd601 (Inspiration, most recent one to post a Yoshikage Kira skin on PMC)

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04/23/2017 6:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sorry, I just realised that there are differences between the villager and Steve skins. Is it possible to request that you make a Yoshikage Kira villager skin?
04/23/2017 6:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I used this skin for a villager. It's not showing up well. Please help Image in Game
05/26/2016 2:38 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
If I could give myself, a diamond; I'd have one diamond.
