- check_circle Armor
- check_circle Art
- check_circle Environment
- check_circle GUI
- check_circle Items
- check_circle Misc
- check_circle Mobs
- check_circle Particles
- check_circle Terrain
- check_circle Models
- 16,687 views, 8 today
- 6,219 downloads, 8 today
The base of this TexturePack is from my previous Pack VanillaMC 8x8
Optifine required to see the custom entity models
i plan on changing some of the blocks and other items
Optifine required to see the custom entity models
i plan on changing some of the blocks and other items
Progress | 70% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.8.9 |
Resolution | 8x |
Tags |
3 Update Logs
Update #3 : by Gaetano22ITA 11/03/2022 4:59:52 pmNov 3rd, 2022
Changed Blocks :
-stone -stone_slab -cobblestone -mossy_cobblestone -gravel -bedrock -obsidian -andesite -polished_andesite -granite -polished_granite -diorite -polished_diorite -stone_bricks -mossy_stone_bricks -cracked_stone_bricks -chiseled_stone_bricks -bricks -nether_brick -piston -sticky_piston -crating_table -furnace -dispencer -dropper -all logs -all planks -all leaves -all ores -snow -grass -podzol -all dirts
-stone -stone_slab -cobblestone -mossy_cobblestone -gravel -bedrock -obsidian -andesite -polished_andesite -granite -polished_granite -diorite -polished_diorite -stone_bricks -mossy_stone_bricks -cracked_stone_bricks -chiseled_stone_bricks -bricks -nether_brick -piston -sticky_piston -crating_table -furnace -dispencer -dropper -all logs -all planks -all leaves -all ores -snow -grass -podzol -all dirts
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