Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Chonkier Piglin Brutes x Fresh Animations

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Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
This resource pack exists to make CPB compatible with FreshLX's Fresh Animations, as i can't live without it.

I always thought that piglin brutes weren't interesting enough in their looks, they are basically a retextured normal piglin made in 5 minutes. So, inspired by various piglin bodytypes seen in Minecraft: Legends i decided to make them slightly chonkier without changing their texture too much (for now). Now they actually look different from normal piglins and it is somewhat more believable that they can demolish you with that axe of theirs and tank 50 hearts of HP!

Installation Guide
  • Fresh Animations should be lower than CPBxFA in the Resource Pack list.
  • The original CPB isn't needed if you are using CPBxFA.

Chonkier Piglin Brutes x Fresh Animations Minecraft Texture Pack

Fresh Animations is made by FreshLX!


Original CPB:
Fresh Animations: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-animations-v1-0/
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

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