Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

Kyctarniq's x32 FTB Ultimate Texture Pack

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 34,344 views, 0 today
  • 5,124 downloads, 0 today
Level 84 : Elite Meme
Hi Again,

It is time. Kyctarniq's FTB Ultimate texture pack is mature enough to go to release.

FTB has grabbed my interest. These guys are working hard to create a polished and fun game experience. I am also just enjoying making the textures for all the different mods :)

Please let me know what you think, especially and what needs more work.

The Texture Pack is too large to upload directly, so please note that it is big when you click download!

Kyctarniq's x32 FTB Ultimate Texture Pack Minecraft Texture PackPLEASE DIAMOND IF YOU LIKE ITKyctarniq's x32 FTB Ultimate Texture Pack Minecraft Texture Pack

Kyctarniq's x32 FTB Ultimate Texture Pack Minecraft Texture Pack
Courtesy of Kabs's Texture Pack Showcase

Be sure to follow my Twitter feed to get updates on all my packs. I bet there is something you like:
CreditBetter Lava
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4.7

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by kyctarniq 08/25/2014 5:48:21 amAug 25th, 2014

  • better brewing stand item
  • better glass pane frame
  • fixed raw cod item
  • fixed all random skeletons
  • fixed wither skeleton
  • fixed wither
  • fixed wither invulnerable
  • added animated brewing stand
  • added animated bucket lava
  • added animated water
  • more Forestry Mod
  • better Thermal Expansion lead ore
  • better Gregtech sulfur dust
  • better Gregtech small sulfur dust

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Pacman Arcade
06/07/2014 2:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Great texture pack! however there in my opinion I think that the ore textures are a bit confusing as they all look so similar and I had to constantly switch back to the default textures in game
06/07/2014 6:59 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
Which textures are confusing?  I will help fix that.  The more details you can give the better I can fix it.  Thank you for telling me.
Pacman Arcade
06/08/2014 10:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
It is just my opinion. its the ores i find it hard to distinguish one from the other whilst I am ingame
06/08/2014 11:38 am
Level 84 : Elite Meme
Ahhh, i understand now.  The ore textures are designed to make them more easy to distinguish on sight (whole block rather than a few spots).  However they are very different from default. and that is hard sometimes.
Pacman Arcade
06/08/2014 12:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
That is true however my problem is that i cant tell which ore is which as some of the ore textures are very similar, I also noticed a problem with another one of your textures - The iridium ore block and the iridium ore item have the same texture
06/08/2014 2:29 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
I agree in a way that the ores look similar.  They are all based on a photo of a real ore.  I have picked the ones that stand out most but in reality all ores do look very similar.

The Iridium ore gen'ed and mined looking the same is on purpose.  I wanted the ore block and ore item to have the same texture just like Iron ore.
04/22/2014 10:16 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
wait in the "abandon workshop" picture the stone on the floors and the white brick, are those the "vanilla textures for the mod's?" or are those the retextured hd verison's?
04/22/2014 10:48 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
Those are marble blocks, white clay looks similar.
04/22/2014 10:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
soo i spent the last 10 hrs Looking at your textures xD haha.
and i LOVEEE THE SWORDS i may make them more shaded.
But can i Have Permission to use some of your textures in my pack when mines finished?

i will supply FULL links to your Forum, Youtube, or PMC page and stat that i am using those specific textures:
(which ever the final chosen ones are)

i only ask this since you have already designed a VERY great sword and some very great pickaxes that WOULDNT look to shabby next to my hd vanilla verisons :D
also thank you so much for your kind help.

i look forward to when this is 1.6.4/1.5.2 (mostly 1.6 haha xD)

-sincerly Craft Kid :D
04/22/2014 10:44 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
You are wayyyyy ahead of the curve.  

The location of textures changes drastically in the new 1.6.4 versions of the Mods and it can change between versions of the same mod (often).  That is why I package my texture packs for launcher mod packs.  That way the verion of each mod is fixed in a texturepack.  I have not tried to create a texture pack for all versions of a mod.  For 1.6.4 texture locations see my Tekkit pack or my FTB Direwolf20 pack.

Now that Forge 1.7.2 is stable, yes, mods are moving to it.  I advise patience on on 1.7.2.  When you see mod packs on FTB or Technic is when I recommend starting.  Things like features and texture locations will be in flux and you will spend a great deal of time making changes you could avoid by waiting.

I have started 1.8 changes for my Vanilla packs but given the next snapshot will change everything I am focusing on creating Cubik models and let Cubik handle the json changes.  Hope this approach works otherwise I have lost alot of work.  1.8 Forge is a long while off yet.  I'll worry about that in a bit, Again, I'll keep an eye on FTB and Technic for the cues on when to start.

MATE!  400Mb is friggin' enormous.  I get squirrely at 50M.  Something to think about is as of Forge 1.7.2 we will be able to stack texture packs (multiple at the same time).  I am planning to break out some mod supports into small addon packs.  In particular for the mods that are not in a Mod Pack, like Dalek Mod and Weeping Angels.
04/22/2014 10:06 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
does the pack work in 1.6.4? im using your pack as a "temp" so I NO the names of the files and then im going one by one by one changing them all ;-; i may be doing this a long time since my pack is ment to be vanilla based and have a touch of realism its hard to think of what some of these items would look like blown up with more detail O.o

also yeah my main question is does this work for 1.6.4 or 1.7 since ftb will be coming to 1.7 soon enough O.o since forge has been 1.7 since december :/
and 1.8 is about to come out O.o

i wanted my pack to have 1.8 3d models > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p91KvZNuFE

so my texture pack has 3d models, ftb, tekkit, all texture files for alpha - 1.8 O.o my pack is at 460 Mb's O.o holy sheet LET ALOT ALOT OF THESE TEXTURES i animatied for no reason just to look cooler >.< :(
