Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

🌍 Minecraft Earth GUI (1.9 - 1.20.1)

  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Audio
  • check_circle Models
  • 51,553 views, 5 today
  • 4,700 downloads, 0 today
  • 146
  • 120
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Hield's Avatar Hield
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Artist

This is a big GUI pack that changes most of the GUI into Minecraft Earth styled GUI. Keep in mind that some GUI textures are around 4096x/2048x or lower depending on what I wanted to fit in there. Though since this pack only affects your GUI, it shouldn't really affect your performance. One special feature about this pack's GUI is that it features 3D renders of certain icons to give it that MCE feels. It isn't mentioned in the showcase video but I also made all the items 3D and slightly tilted to the left just like all the items in MCE. For a quick and easy way to see all of the changes in Minecraft by yourself then I recommend my own texture pack testing world.

Some features require optifine to take effect, but they aren't major changes!

When used for commercial purposes, like a Youtube video, credit me and the original project page. You are not allowed to use Earth GUI as a texture pack in key arts for Marketplace content. All textures may be used for personal use but you cannot re-upload them in any way.

Rip Minecraft Earth..
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

5 Update Logs

Update! : by Hield 08/07/2023 3:36:07 pmAug 7th, 2023

Updated the pack to 1.20 and 1.20.1.

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08/08/2023 7:29 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Hunter
sironi's Avatar
yooo its blue like fortnite
08/07/2023 4:16 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
MrKirbs's Avatar
11/30/2021 7:19 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
Aztucia_Callejera's Avatar
Siii, nueva actualización
12/01/2021 8:23 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Artist
Hield's Avatar
¡¡¡Nueva actualización!!!
08/24/2021 1:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Herobrine
Ribinator's Avatar
08/22/2021 3:55 am
She/Her • Level 39 : Artisan uwu
aflacc's Avatar
RIP Minecraft Earth
08/10/2021 2:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Barack_Obama_'s Avatar
Dear Hield,
I really like how this mod came along, I love the blue hues a lot and being the *current* president of the United States I can say for sure that Minecraft Earth was a cause to be remembered, it might still be gone, but the fragments of hope, joy and happiness will forever remain in the hearts of the american people. I believe America dearly needed the hope, the light shining through the deepest, dampest darks of society, and that light was Minecraft Earth, people realized that there was hope - hope for a brighter future for us, and for our future generations that would forever cherish this piece of media with the respect it deserved.
It finally stopped the endless anguish and pain that was tormenting every single soul, it gave the people the key out of the cages they were living in, man is caged no more, perhaps, it could even be called divine intervention - a gift from god.
And it isn't lightly when I say that thanks to you, this little spark of hope can live on in my Minecraft playthrough.
It is with teary eyes that I must admit I must cut the letter short, I could go on for hours explaining how much Minecraft Earth meant to me and my fellow americans, and I only hope that one day, we will find a new hope to lift us out of the gnawing despair that this hopelessness has descended us into.
Thank you, Hield, you have done the world an unfathomable service by helping us cope with this horrible despondecny and dejection that is not having Minecraft Earth.

From the bottom of my heart,
Barack Hussein Obama

P.S. The letter announcing your newfound presidency should arrive within 5-10 working days.
08/10/2021 2:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Barack_Obama_'s Avatar
Update on the current state of the great United States of America.
nvm fnf dropped fuck you minceraft aerth
08/10/2021 1:02 am
Any/All • Level 51 : Grandmaster Meme Birb
TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
I swear

Everyone is trynna make me cry with nostalgia

Now, lemme just download and use this forever
08/09/2021 11:51 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
RavenVLemon's Avatar
Rip Minecraft Earth
