Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Minecraft - Half-Life Expansion Pack [1.18] [Optifine]

  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Audio
  • check_circle Models
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Jumper_99 -Dark Dragon Studios
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
What would happen if the Universal Union / Xen invaded Minecraft?

I don't know. It's up to you to decide.

This pack gives you opportunity to do so.


Included features:

- Houndeye = Creeper

- Alien Controller = Ghast

- Headcrab Zombie = Zombie

- Snark = Silverfish

- Chumtoad = Frog

- Vortigaunt = Skeleton, Piglin

- Alien Grunt = Wither Skeleton

- Antlion Soldier, Worker = Spider

- Metro Cop/CP = Vindicator

- Combine Soldier = Pillager

- Shock Trooper = Enderman

- Bullsquid = Llama

- Poison Headcrab Zombie = Husk

- Leech = Cod

- Manhack = Vex

- Crab Synth = Ravager

- City scanner = Bee

- DOG = Iron golem

- Hunter = Evoker

- Floating Flocker = Blaze

- Combine Assasin = Witch

- Stray = Stalker

- Fast Zombie = Drowned

- Headcrab = Slime

- Combine Advisor = Wither

- Reviver = Ocelot

- Ranther Eye = Hoglin

- Stukabat = Phantom

- Horse Synth = Horse

- Archer = Pufferfish

- P-Body = Snow Golem

- Airboat = Boat

- Citizen = Villager

- Jeff = Warden

- Barnacle = Spore Blossom

- Shock Roach = Endermite


- Crowbar

- Gravity Gun (Rename Crossbow)

- Crossbow

- H.E.V. Suit

- Antlion Grub

- Xen Stuff

- Crates, Explosives, ...


Planned features:

- Gargantua

- Nihilanth = Enderdragon

- Chargers = Goat

CreditHalf-life and Portal by Valve, Crab Synth Sounds by Saihalji Stream Dump, rest by me
Progress40% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19

4 Update Logs

Update #4 Jeff : by Jumper_99 -Dark Dragon Studios 08/23/2022 11:11:01 amAug 23rd, 2022

- Jeff = Warden

- Barnacle = Spore Blossom

- Shock Roach = Endermite

- Chumtoad = Endermite

- Skulk -> Jeff infestion

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04/21/2023 9:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
how about you put a resosepack of scp the scps are creatures or objects that defy physics there are the class-d guards because you are very good
02/12/2023 6:49 am
Any/All • Level 31 : Artisan uwu
Dmitrii Klimin
12/28/2022 8:15 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
maybe make sniffer gargantua and magma slime poisonous headcrab. maybe make shulker either a turret or a kingpin.
12/16/2022 11:29 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
I forgot to mention, a while ago I made an edited version of this pack for personal use, and I lost it, but the reason I am saying this now is because I just realized that I could tell you guys about some of the edits I made because I think they'd work really well in the pack, for now, I can only remember the icons I changed, (the HUD elements found in the icons.png file under the gui folder).
Also before I start listing the new versions of each icon I'm going to go through a key I made for the different variants of the icons:
  1. full icons are orange/yellow, like the selected inventory slot or the inventory slot number. (full icons are the default for the health bar, when a bar in the HUD is full, every icon in it is full)
  2. empty icons are totally empty (erased). (empty icons are the default for the armor bar, when a bar in the HUD is empty, every icon in it is empty)
  3. halved icons are dark orange/yellow, like the unselected inventory slots (also maybe a little bit transparent). (halved icons are the midway point between full and empty)
  4. flashing icons are red (also maybe a little bit transparent). (when you take damage, your hearts flash, and your hunger also can flash, but I forgot when it does that, also I think you should treat the popped bubble sprite as a flashing bubble sprite)
Now for the icons themselves:
  1. hearts replaced with health icon from HL1
  2. hunger replaced with auxiliary power from HL2
  3. armor replaced with suit charge from HL1 (or maybe lightning symbol instead, I don't know, HL1 is probably better if you can find a way to draw it with the limited sprite size)
  4. bubbles replaced with O2 indicator from HL1 (the popped icon should be treated as a flashing icon)
  5. crosshair replaced with crosshair from HL2
  6. frostbite hearts replaced with freezing temp. warning from HL1 (its like a snowflake) (also this heart is from powdered snow)
  7. poison hearts replaced with biohazard warning from HL1
  8. withered hearts replaced with radiation warning from HL1
Also, I'd like to mention that you could also try making the halved icons red or the empty ones dark orange/yellow... Also I probably forgot some stuff
12/16/2022 9:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Hey, I made the HEV suit armor from this texture pack into a skin, can I upload it and credit you?
12/04/2022 11:21 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
This is really good, the models look very... minecrafty? Is that a word?
Anyway, also wanted to say that this would go very well with the Project Lambda mod on curseforge
Rain_World Fan
11/12/2022 5:15 pm
He/Him • Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Are you able to port this to bedrock edition? This is so cool! I’ve been a Half Life 2 Fan for a bit now, and it would mean the world to me if you’re able to port this!
09/17/2022 5:35 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
best minecraft half life themed resource pack

tho i have some suggestions for unused mobs:

- zoglins - antlion guardians

- shulkers - ground turrets

- allay - russels scanner from half life alyx

- zombie horses - buggy

- skeleton horses - car from ep2

- tripwire hooks - detecting lasers(either from hl1 or hl2)

- silverfish spawn egg - snark(just like glows lichens grub but snark so it can be another weapon from hl in the resource pack)
big ham
09/13/2022 2:21 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
green/yellow nether portal and purple end portal would be pretty cool
big ham
09/12/2022 1:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
make chickens gargantua
