Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Pale Garden Glowberry Vines

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Level 40 : Master Loremaster Procrastinator
This resource pack simply changes the new hanging moss texture from the Pale Garden to a fruitless glow-berry cave vine.

When I first saw the release of the Garden I quickly new that there was a lot of potential, but first I wanted to start with something a little simpler, like making the hanging foliage a little bit denser. Thank God, the texture works the same as the glowberry vine and other plants like weeping vines, so I didn't have to configure much. I want to fully transform this biome into something different one day, but I worry that it won't fit with the Creaking mob or Mojang's own intended game mechanics or design.

That's kind of it to be honest. I think it would be really cool if I got my hands on biome-specific textures and made this plant into a vine that you can bring wherever you go. Anyways; I'm curious about the new resin item. I think I want it to change texture based on the block it's on, like flowers on leaves and fake ores on stone.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

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01/08/2025 11:58 pm
He/Him • Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
I never knew I needed this until now 😭
12/13/2024 10:25 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Cat Fish
very beautiful.
12/11/2024 7:25 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Creeper
