- check_circle Armor
- check_circle Art
- check_circle Environment
- check_circle Font
- check_circle GUI
- check_circle Items
- check_circle Misc
- check_circle Mobs
- check_circle Particles
- check_circle Terrain
- 57,816 views, 1 today
- 9,986 downloads, 0 today
Pm or mail (gimmegimli@gmail.com! ) me if you want permission for some of these textures in your project or if you want to do a request.
The first downloadlink is a Resourcepack for 1.10 and the second downloadlink (mediafire) is a Texturepack (for 1.5.2).
Dont forget to give this pack a Diamond or a Favorite
Please submit your ideas for things that I could add to this pack below!
Some of the newly added content:
![Toyland [32x32] [1.10] [1.5.2] Minecraft Texture Pack](https://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab87/levrex/Toyland/Toylandu12_zpsq0whigdi.png)
How to Install the Toyland Resourcepack (1.10)
How to install the Toyland Texturepack (1.5/1.5.2)
Older versions ( I won't update these):
http://www.mediafire.com/download/0kk8da5d252a6vc/Toyland+Texturepack.zip - Toyland texturepack for 1.5/1.5.2
Download the pack if you love to see the following things:
- Cymball monkeys!
- Lego's
- bouncy balls
- baby doll villagers
- Teddy bear zombies
- Jigsaw
- Marble diamonds
- Slinky's
- foam swords
- plastic hammers
- waterguns
- vampire teeth
- joysticks
- Easy baked oven
- mr Potato head
- Chess
- Toy cars
NEXT update (TEASE):
- Toy toolbox (weapons)
review for an older version of toyland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RE0gHlE7-Q
featured in the Navy News: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=7ofMVWGMreE&list=UUV3NylhqXnByU6qFLNZMGlg&feature=c4-overview
You can help me expanding this texturepack with suggestions or ideas for new- or better blocks!
The first downloadlink is a Resourcepack for 1.10 and the second downloadlink (mediafire) is a Texturepack (for 1.5.2).
Dont forget to give this pack a Diamond or a Favorite
Please submit your ideas for things that I could add to this pack below!
Some of the newly added content:
![Toyland [32x32] [1.10] [1.5.2] Minecraft Texture Pack](https://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab87/levrex/Toyland/Toylandu12_zpsq0whigdi.png)
How to Install the Toyland Resourcepack (1.10)
- Download the Toyland Resource Pack for 1.7.4 (first download link from above)
- Click Start > Run (or Windows + R) and Then type in%appdata%
- Look for the .minecraft folder and look for the resourcepacks folder inside your .minecraft folder
- Open the resourcepack folder which is inside the .minecraft folder
- Place the Toyland zip file (you can normally find this in your downloads) in the resourcepacks folder
- Run minecraft and select the pack from the options menu
- Have fun!
How to install the Toyland Texturepack (1.5/1.5.2)
- Download the Toyland texturepack for 1.5/1.5.2 (second download link)
- Click Start > Run (or Windows + R) and Then type in%appdata%
- Look for the .minecraft folder and after that, look for the texturepacks folder inside your .minecraft folder
- Open the texturepacks folder which is inside the .minecraft folder
- Place the Toyland texturepack zip file (you can normally find this in your downloads) in the texturepacks folder
- Run minecraft and select the pack from the options menu
- Have fun!
Older versions ( I won't update these):
http://www.mediafire.com/download/0kk8da5d252a6vc/Toyland+Texturepack.zip - Toyland texturepack for 1.5/1.5.2
Download the pack if you love to see the following things:
- Cymball monkeys!
- Lego's
- bouncy balls
- baby doll villagers
- Teddy bear zombies
- Jigsaw
- Marble diamonds
- Slinky's
- foam swords
- plastic hammers
- waterguns
- vampire teeth
- joysticks
- Easy baked oven
- mr Potato head
- Chess
- Toy cars
NEXT update (TEASE):
- Toy toolbox (weapons)
review for an older version of toyland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RE0gHlE7-Q
featured in the Navy News: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=7ofMVWGMreE&list=UUV3NylhqXnByU6qFLNZMGlg&feature=c4-overview
You can help me expanding this texturepack with suggestions or ideas for new- or better blocks!
Progress | 60% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.10 |
Resolution | 32x |
Tags |
12 Update Logs
Update 12: Peirrot puppets, Bowling pins and Origami : by Tjardo 09/17/2016 1:35:20 pmSep 17th, 2016

- torch = seal balancing ball on its nose
- ghast = peirrot puppet
- tulip = origami windmill flower
- grass = tiny green toy soldiers
- paeonia = bowling pin
- fishing rod with fake dollar , great for pranks
- iron helmet = happyface mask
- stick = magic wand
- nether wart = horse on wheels
- nether wart block = horse block
- path block
- lapis lazuli item & block - toy cars
- porkchop raw/ cooked = piggy bank
- emerald & emerald ore block
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cymbal monkeys are nightmare fuel