Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Waffle's White Diamond

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Items
  • 650 views, 4 today
  • 169 downloads, 1 today
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Level 18 : Journeyman Crab Imposter
well, i guess technically it's an off-white

i saw something similar to this done in a modpack i played, and it made me want to try my own hand at an alternative diamond. hope you guys like it :D

no need to unzip the pack, simply drop it into your resourcepacks folder and it should be good to go

- diamonds
- diamond ores (stone & deepslate)
- diamond block
- diamond weapons/tools/armor
- diamond horse armor
- enchanting table (the little diamonds on the corners)
- smithing templates (i assume the blue in their sprite is meant to be diamond)
- diamond trim palette

- mod compatibility, prioritizing mods that add more types of diamond gear (possibly as a separate pack?)

this pack changes the shape of diamonds, as well as includes further modifications to some of the tools and armor textures beyond the palette change - if there is demand, i can make a version that maintains the vanilla shapes/textures and only applies the new palette.

should work on any modern version! please let me know if any issues arise

1/15/24 - fixed armor for 1.21.3+ versions
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

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01/14/2025 5:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hello your mod is grate works on every thing but armor on my character is still default.
01/15/2025 1:16 pm
Any/All • Level 18 : Journeyman Crab Imposter
ah, looks like the resource location for armor changed in version 1.21.3, which i was unaware of (i was testing on a slightly older version). i'll be sure to get that fixed & published today, ty for letting me know (:
EDIT: newest version should have the fix
01/16/2025 11:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wow thank you so much you fixed it i have been crying about my lack of netherite seeing that it looks good now makes me happy thank you
