Ticket #24447
Status: Closed
Opened by Clidewood Realm
- Won't Fix
Bug Report
12/4/24 1:38 pm 12/4/24 1:38 pm
12/5/24 10:28 am 12/5/24 10:28 am

When posting a comment, it acts as if a post was created and triggers slowmode.

I understand that comments may be posts,
But can you make it so comments act differently to posts and allow the user to respond after a slowmode,
so that people can respond to other peoples comments to clear up any points made in the comment,
there may be certain situations were you need to post a comment to elaborate a point or tell someone something important.

This issue would be important to fix because it would make elaborating ideas easyer,
the current account timeout system definitely needs to be revamped in my opinion,
because it times you out for a day on the "share your Minecraft realm" thread.

Being able to respond to others comments is very important in my opinion and I believe that the timeout should be categorised,
maybe 1 post per day, 1 comment per 10 minutes, and this should only effect individual threads,
the post similarity filter should still work how it works under the slowmode and comments,
but comments need to be changed to limit the amount of slowmode so that posting comments is faster,
i feel that posting a comment should not effect the thread post submissions.

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12/05/2024 10:28 am
Level 75 : Legendary
set status to Closed, set resolution to Won't Fix, assigned Drzzter.

12/05/2024 10:27 am
He/They • Level 75 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Posting comments only activates slow-mode on threads which our team has manually-toggled to be slow-mode threads. It's not an oversight in the design of our forums, but an intentional decision to prevent abuse of the threads in which it has been activated. The "Share Your Minecraft Realms!" thread experienced major abuse before slow mode was implemented. Thus, the 24 rate limiting was added to prevent the kinds of spam we were seeing previously.

Comments on other threads are generally not limited, and you should not ever have issues responding to comments on those. If you need to reply to someone regarding a comment made on the "Share Your Minecraft Relams!" thread and would like to do so without resetting slow-mode, please use the private messaging system. Thanks.
Clidewood Realm
12/08/2024 9:41 am
He/Him • Level 1 : New Network
ok i see, thank you.
