Mob vote democratic or rigged

danjhop's Avatar danjhop11/7/23 2:08 am
3 emeralds 228 6
11/8/2023 9:07 am
sweaterduck's Avatar sweaterduck
I am becoming concerned that mojang decides what mob wins and the vote is just to make us think we picked the mob
i have seen a supposed leaked were the announced the armadillo before the vote was done then took the video down
also the allay was meant to be in 1.16 and was always planned to win regardless of player wishes and the allay was worded to sound like
it would dupe the items with time but the point of it not doing that was on a tiny Reddit post nobody saw
please put both sides below
Posted by danjhop's Avatar
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight

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11/08/2023 3:54 am
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Rigged is a loaded term (and likely a bit strong) – biased seems more likely… [​IIRC, none of these votes has been audited by an outside firm, nor have they taken place under conditions where such an audit would be likely to be meaningful.]

The most obvious point is that in none of the votes have any of the proposed mob been shown in anything like complete detail. In all cases, the voters have been 'buying a pig in a poke'.
The order, content, and timing of the announcements of the candidates – and as well as any supplimental releases of information – clearly represent a opportunity for MS/Mj to present the candidates in a way that affects the perception of each.

I would be [​mildly] surprised if MS/Mj engaged in any actual stuffing of the ballot box simply because of the immense downside if [​more likely when] this leaked.

The solution to many of these problems is quite simple:
All candidate mobs need to be released with a full writeup of abilities, stats, drops, and behavior at the same time (and in the same format) sufficiently before the vote for meaningful debate to occur. There then need to be no substansive changes from the announced versions to the final mob as added.
[​MobB from the first vote represents a strong counter example to this procedure]

I would not, however, hold one's breath waiting for this… [​asphyxiation being most unpleasant].
11/07/2023 11:33 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
PepperSalami's Avatar
Either way, most of the new mobs are near useless.
11/08/2023 9:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
sweaterduck's Avatar
yea- i mean if your gonna rig it for your favorite to win mojang make a really good one that everyone enjoys
11/07/2023 10:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Birb
HeccFeesh's Avatar
nowhere did it ever say that the allay would dupe items and anyone who believed that is stupid. it goes against everything mojang has ever said abt mc they will literally go to extreme measures to ban duplication glitches that require thousands of hours of work to accomplish, it shouldve been obvious to anyone with half a brain. that said it was rigged but by the community not by mojang (there is literal proof of botting done by certain people to make the armadillo win)
11/08/2023 8:49 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
they implied that by the wording and video

thats what the impression was
11/07/2023 10:57 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
It's rigged fr
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