Which is the worst Disney Junior show?

Darkfap's Avatar Darkfap7/8/23 12:02 pm
8/17/2023 2:54 am
Dermugettum's Avatar Dermugettum
Like, really. Which of these is the worst?
Posted by Darkfap's Avatar
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator Lad

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08/17/2023 2:46 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
There's really no comparison. All of them are bad. Any animator who wants to be a real artist needs to stay away from those nightmarish CG-Shit studios, no matter how much they're bribed.

Mickey Mouse Funhouse? More like Mickey Mouse Drughouse
07/08/2023 1:26 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
why is SAHAF so underrated? I mean it's cool (for children), it takes the plots of the Spiderman franchise and modernizes it for children, also Gwen and Miles from the Spiderverse trilogy but that's just a somewhat unnecessary bonus.

Also Firebuds savin' the day is a bit cooler than Canadian cowboys in dinosaur land but that's because MERICAAAAAAA why does it ALWAYS have to be CANADA when it comes to American kids' shows

and don't even get me STARTED on South Korean media BLECH cuz I already got started SK media is CRINGE 24/7/∞
07/08/2023 1:07 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
i watched some of spidies amazing friends, because im a spiderman LOVER (hes so cool)! but i must say i couldnt stand the show. it was pretty awful. did laugh when the green goblin used the word "prank" instead of calling it what it really was: domestic terrorism. if it gets me to laugh i give it a 100% good though.
07/08/2023 1:18 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
the term "prank" is a children-friendly calling of "domestic terrorism"
07/08/2023 12:56 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
As an amateur writer, this opens a can of worms for me.

Modern Kids' Television (with an exception for Bluey and perhaps a few others) seems to have this idea that children can't handle maturity. Instead, they resort to this saccharine idea that every little problem can be solved in a few moments and goes out of its way to drill it into their audiences' heads what the message is. That's not how you write themes! Audiences are not idiots! The world has problems that can't be solved, and more often than not, the ones that can be solved will be tough and painful. By teaching children that you can sing a little song, say you're sorry, and have a "happily ever after" ending, modern writers are setting up children to a world of disappointment as well as showing a lack of understanding for children.
I've come to realize that there are about two kinds of children: Wounded, and Yet-To-Be Wounded.
By refusing to allow children to even glimpse nuance or maturity in these stories and shows is to deny them what troubles them: divorce, abuse, poverty, incarceration. By having this happy-go-lucky world of superheroes that always save the day without strain is to say to your audience "This is how the world works," when it isn't!
Contrary to what most "grown-up" writers think, children are not idiots. In Elementary, I really couldn't care less for stories that lacked conflict: I wanted to see (though I didn't know how to put it into words) tension and strife, I wanted to see the heroes struggle and work for their victory. A Disney ending with characters solving the problem without cost was (and still is) a disgusting idea to me; give me the sacrifices! The broken heroes! Show me the things of the world that scare me!

Show me what the real world is like, and show me how to face it!
08/17/2023 2:54 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
It's not just television, unfortunately. To think that they make movies that "the whole family can enjoy". Again, there's no sacrifices, no characters die like in real life (and if they do die, they get resurrected by fairy magic! Or, they get little screen time before dying, and/or the death is off-camera), and love solves everything. Frozen 1 and 2 exemplify all of this; they're not movies, they're dirt-sucking trash.

The kids movies don't just abandon valuable lessons and story arcs either, the humor is empty. Just like some Saturday morning shows, they'll either try to make laughs using dumb, baby-faced characters with a cuteness factor as fake as the animation itself. Or, like more crude tv shows, they'll use fart jokes, toilet jokes, or naked butt jokes, further killing some hapless child's developing brain cells.
07/08/2023 1:17 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
and especially those Canadian voice actors so then we'd have to listen to "a boat" and "sore REE" and "lá-va"
07/08/2023 12:55 pm
Level 41 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
All of them.
07/08/2023 1:05 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
cuz all they do is teach the same "valuable" life lessons OVER AND OVER AND OVER
07/08/2023 12:20 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
ALL of the shows EST. 2018+ 'cuz all they do is teach the same "valuable" life lessons OVER AND OVER AND OVER. WHERE'S THE DAMN MATH?!
07/08/2023 12:24 pm
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator Lad
Darkfap's Avatar
Over on PBS.
07/08/2023 1:05 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
and nick nick nick nick ni-nick nick nick nickelodeooooooon JUNIOR
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