Started work on the boat mod..

Arkaliasus's Avatar Arkaliasus5/13/24 1:41 pm history
5/14/2024 8:57 am
Arkaliasus's Avatar Arkaliasus
Hellooo!! :D
Some of you may have seen my weird little mod called 'Boaty Facey' that turned the boat to the way you were facing as you jumped into it and recently created a post about
whether just 1 thing in a mod was acceptable or not. Everyone agreed that it was acceptable on its own and if i were to add boats then it should be its own mod.
Up to speed? cool!
So now i'm making a boats mod and just completed the first one and whilst i do have a second boat in mind (a furnace boat xD [​as discussed in the second link] ) BUT searching google just gives me generic rowboats.

i guess i thought i'd create a thread and see what little boats you guys might have pictures of (or know of) that might be worthwhile creating!

  check_box Done
  device_hub Done but needs minor tweaks
  radio_button_checked Working on this
  radio_button_unchecked Not started on yet

To-do List

Awning boat . . . device_hub
Furnace boat . . radio_button_checked
Coracle boat . . .radio_button_unchecked
Barge . . . . . . . . . radio_button_unchecked
Canal boat . . . . .radio_button_unchecked
Hopper Boat . . . radio_button_unchecked
Air Boat . . . . . . . radio_button_unchecked (me no destroy lilly pad)

Current Gif/Screenshot: Awning Boat

Posted by Arkaliasus's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Mage

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05/13/2024 10:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Ww2guru73's Avatar
Wow I liiyke it
05/14/2024 8:57 am
Level 40 : Master Mage
Arkaliasus's Avatar
thanks! :)
05/13/2024 3:30 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
I'm not sure it would be considered useful, but a coracle is a possibility. If crafted from sticks and leather, it would allow a 'boaty thing' to be produced in a desert biome.

Something that would carry some or all of the larger mobs (see excluded list at Boat#Passengers ) could be useful, prehaps call it a barge and have the larger vehicle call for greater materials.

Possibly disliked as 'game-breaking', but a boat that could be rowed up water (at least 1 step per block of flowing water = 1 block up every 7 blocks horizontal ) would be great. {Not sure what to call it as most boats can be run up 'small' differences in water height IRL}.

A Canal Boat that was towable by a leashed mob (might be good to limit this to typical draft animals like equines, llamas, camels) could be useful (although it seems unlikely to bring back canal networks in the face of rails and elytra). Making this narrower than the standard boat and limiting teh type of passengers/mobs that can ride accordingly might be helpful for balancing the ability to move throufgh 1-wide canals. [​The originals were often called narrow boats.]] (Note that making a turning basin necessary to reverse course could also help with balance.) This sort of boat really should be able to be towed up water (possible up steeper 'slopes' that the rowable version above) both for utility and verisimilitude.

Adding a hopper boat would allow an alternative to at least some of the rail & hopper minecart collections systems. How much use it would see is debatable, but the option could be fun and people on servers that restrict the farming of rail materials might find it particularly useful.
05/14/2024 8:29 am
Level 40 : Master Mage
Arkaliasus's Avatar
all of those suggestions are fantastic!
coracle feels like it'd need the boaty facey mod just so you didnt get confused when jumping in it but i guess it doesnt have to be 100% circular and canal boat... damn why didnt i think of that!? the barge idea would be cool. imagine you could have maybe 1 big mob or a couple of smaller mobs instead :D and the hopper boat is genius!

i gotta put these in a to-do list in the main post xD
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