Blocktober 2021 - A prompt a day for the month of October!calendar_today

MisterGriimm's Avatar MisterGriimm9/27/21 4:52 pm history
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10/5/2021 10:48 pm
Nightofwolfs's Avatar Nightofwolfs

Blocktober is an online event that is designed to challenge artists to create pieces that broaden their typical scope of work. It's a way to better yourself and try things that are outside the norm! It's very similar to Inktober (an annual event where artists make ink drawings based on a prompt a day) - however, Blocktober is specifically for anything revolving around the block!

This could be Pixel Art, Voxel Art, Blockbench 3D models, Minecraft builds, and things of that nature!
As long as the medium is defined by the block, it's free game!!

Go follow the Official Twitter Page for the prompt list drop (October 1st) and daily features!!
I'll be retweeting some of the favorites that are posted with the hashtag #Blocktober2021

EDIT: If you don't have Twitter and have no desire to create a Twitter account, I have an alternative. Create an art blog post on PMC and link it in the comments below!

This is a great way to expand your artistic skills, your understanding of different mediums, and to possibly gain some great exposure!
What are you waiting for??

Go follow the page and get ready for some fun!

Comment your Twitter handle (with a link if you can) after submitting a post - all participants will receive a participation trophy.
The pride in participating in something and joining a larger community, as well as the satisfaction of bettering your art skills.

Posted by MisterGriimm's Avatar
Level 43 : Master Grump

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10/04/2021 1:50 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
Nightofwolfs's Avatar
Id quite like to join, but there is no way Id manage to do something everyday... is that ok?
10/04/2021 11:06 pm
Level 43 : Master Grump
MisterGriimm's Avatar
Oh absolutely! This is just like a roadmap for interesting prompts.

Every day is encouraged (if you have time) but definitely not a requirement.

I've personally only done the first one so far haha.

It's just a project for artists that wanna experiment and grow :)
10/05/2021 11:04 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
Nightofwolfs's Avatar
-and thanks for the awersome promts!
09/28/2021 1:43 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
Draakie's Avatar
V/ cool idea. I'll do my best to join in on as many prompts as i can. sadly i dont have twitter so expect my submissions on this forum post

cant wait to get started
09/28/2021 12:19 pm
Level 43 : Master Grump
MisterGriimm's Avatar
No worries!

I would recommend making an Art Blog post on PMC, then just link it in the comments :)

That way you can go in and update it each time you finish a submission !
09/27/2021 6:24 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Stack
FishStacks's Avatar
oh man i cant wait
gonna try and make something for every day
09/27/2021 6:25 pm
Level 43 : Master Grump
MisterGriimm's Avatar

Super excited to see what you come up with!

I'm of the same mind, even if it's really small, I wanna get something posted each day haha
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